Job Search Is On
My 2 years are up – I am now actively looking for a job. The last 2 years have been great, as planned. I’ve done lots of traveling in the US and around the world, I’ve spent time with family and friends, I’ve enjoyed music in many forms, got more into cooking, hiking, photography, green business, and tried new things. The only thing that didn’t happen that I wanted to happen when i quit my job in April 2006 was to “find myself”. That is, figure out what i wanted to do the rest of my life. But in a way, I did. I figured out I’m not the type to do some thing for the rest of my life – I’m the type to do many things. For instance, I loved traveling and want to do a lot more, but after 6 months around the world I wanted somthing else – I missed sinking my teeth into a project. I also figured out that I like challenges and learning more than I like any one specific field. So on that note, back to job search post …
Specifically, I’m looking for a job that will advance me towards my goal of learning more on the business side of things while harnassing my 10+ years experience in the internet architecture and computer engineering space. I still love programming and hacking, always will, but the last 3-4 years I’ve found myself reading more business articles, trying to understand why from the business perspective, looking at financials and how they motivate companies and affect global markets. I would love to get my feet wet in a job on that tip – either marketing, sales, business, or management, as long as I get to use my techie experience – and not compete with MBA’s fresh off the block. I’ve considered getting an MBA (when I researched Green Business), but I concluded it would be better to get a “transition job” – one that will teach me, pay me, and still let me use what I’ve learned so far in my career.
I welcome all suggestions. If you know any people or jobs that might be a good fit, email me – chad at chadnorwood dot com. For more info about working chad, check out my resume or my linkedin profile. Click on ‘About’ up top to learn more about me. Thanks for helping out!