Pillow Fight Club

February 15th, 2006

Last night there was a huge Pillow Fight in downtown San Francisco. It was awesome. There was about 300 pillow fighters, another 100-200 spectators, tons of feathers and flashes going off, a few kids, a few people dressed up, but mostly peeps fresh outta work with a pillow and a smile.

I was having a slow day at work, so i busted out early to participate. I called my friend Juan, who had not heard of it, but he was down (heh). So i grabbed some $10 pillows from bed bath beyond and we headed over. Unsurprisingly, i ran into lots friends, including Jason and Monica in this awesome pic.

I love that i still have friends that prefer a pillow fight to rushing home for hallmark holidays like valentine’s day.

The cool thing was how it started – online and word of mouth just a couple weeks ago. San Francisco was not the first city, but this was the first time in SF. Wikipedia had info on it, but i think it was Rene’s Craiglist post that got the ball rolling here in SF, also appearing on Laughing Squid. The local news showed up as well, and a story appeared in the SF Chronicle

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